Faculty and Staff Page

The primary role for the DRC staff is to provide students, faculty, staff, administration & the community with accessibility and equitable opportunities on campus.  We've created this page for faculty and hope you will find it helpful. 

Faculty Rights and Responsibilities

Faculty rights:

  • To set academic standards.
  • To evaluate students based on the standards of the class.

Faculty responsibilities:

  • To respect and maintain all students' rights to confidentiality about his/her/their learning or health challenges.
  • To collaborate with students to in order to create an engaging and safe learning environment.
  • To refer any students to the DRC that you observe struggling academically in your class.
  • To contact a DRC counselor or director if you have any questions or concerns about any of the accommodations.
  • To meet timelines/deadlines that the Alternative Media staff give you, so that they can reformat books/materials for students who require alternative formats of text/materials in a timely manner.
Proctoring Procedures

If you and your student(s) would like the DRC to proctor any tests or quizzes, students are responsible for initiating the process to schedule an appointment with us.  

  • Student must complete the top portion of the form
  • Student is to bring the form to professor to complete the bottom part of the form
  • Student must deliver forms to [email protected], no less than 7 days from the test/quiz day
  • For finals, we require requests to be turned in no less than 1 month before test day


Individual Consultation For Faculty and Staff

The DRC welcomes questions from faculty and staff.  We love collaborating with you!  Please let us know what we can do to help support you, so we can work together to help all of our students be successful in their academic endeavors.  Please contact one of us and we will make sure to make the time to meet with you:


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