Planning and Budgeting Council

The Planning and Budgeting Council (PBC) oversees and facilitates the institution's integrated planning and budgeting processes, including the Annual Strategic Plan, the Educational Master Plan, and any ACCJC reports, processes or recommendations.  These plans are based upon annual cycles of Program Review and Student Learning Outcomes assessment.  PBC uses data from these plans to makes decisions and recommendations regarding resource allocation.


PBC advises and makes recommendations to the President on matters pertaining to:

  • prioritizing expenditures to advance the College goals
  • planning
  • governance issues
  • issues regarding college facilities, maintenance, and operationspartic-gov-orientation-deck-sept-20-2024
  • issues regarding campus climate
  • any other issue affecting the well-being of the College at large

PBC Responsibilities 

PBC reviews College and District policies and develops procedures to implement policy; provides accreditation oversight; establishes ad hoc work groups and subcommittees to address college planning needs and priorities.  

The PBC’s purpose is to provide recommendations directly to the college president on matters pertaining to institutional priorities, policies, procedures, planning and budget development. As such, this body has the responsibility to provide concrete decisions and rulings on behalf of the College. Of the planning councils, PBC is the ultimate recommending body to the President. PBC recommendations include the following: 1) Strategic planning issues (i.e., accreditation and campus plans), 2) Budgeting issues (prioritizing Fund 1 resource requests and serving as the focus of information sharing about other funds and expenditures). Meetings are always open to the entire campus community.

Recommendations from the PBC are subject to approval by the college president. If the president does not accept the recommendation of the PBC, the president or designee will return to the PBC, immediately following their decision and explain why the recommendation will not be implemented or forwarded to the Board of Trustees at said time. The approved recommendation(s) of the PBC will be acted on or included in materials presented to the Board of Trustees, as the items are available.

The PBC serves as the College’s Accreditation Oversight Committee with particular focus on ensuring that the College meets all of the requirements and standards set by the Accrediting Commission for Community and Junior Colleges (ACCJC). 
