Funding Request Reimbursements

How to Get Reimbursed 

Let's make sure you get reimbursed for all those great purchases you made for the college event!
Start with the requisition form.

Virtual Receipts to PDF: Video Tutorial  In-Person Receipts: Video Tutorial

The Steps to a Funding Request

  1. Read all the policies and procedures for receiving funding
  2. Fill out a Student Senate Funding Request completely four weeks in advance to your event
  3. If funding is club related, your Inter-Club Council (ICC) Representative will propose the request at the next ICC Meeting to be first approved by ICC members
  4. Next, the Student Senate will discuss and vote upon your request 
  5. The Student Senate Commissioner of Finances will notify you of your request results
  6. (Please allow up to 4 weeks to receive your reimbursement check.)
  7. You will collect invoices/receipts for all things you would like to purchase for the event
    1. An ASCC Requisition will be created by the club/organization treasurer (or scan into one pdf using Genius Scan)
    2. Tape receipts on all four sides (avoiding text) on a blank piece of paper
    3. Attach all invoices/itemized receipts for purchases to your ASCC Requisition
    4. The Treasurer of the club/organization will sign the ASCC Requisition
    5. The club/organization advisor will sign the ASCC Requisition
    6. Attach the club minutes to the requisition
  8. The Treasurer of the club/organization will turn in the Funding Requisition to The Center for Student Life and Leadership Development (Building 5, Rm 354. alternatively email to [email protected])
    1. The ASCC Treasurer will sign the ASCC Requisition
    2. The Student Life and Leadership Manager will sign the ASCC Requisition
    3. The Vice President of Student Services or Dean of Counseling will sign the ASCC Requisition
  9. The Center for Student Life and Leadership Development will send your ASCC Requisition to the Cashier’s Office
    1. The Cashier’s Office will print check(s) for event
    2. The Cashier’s Office will get two administrator’s signatures on check(s)
    3. The Cashier’s Office will contact the person on your funding requisition that your check is ready for pick up