Campus Posting

Persons or organizations seeking to distribute materials on campus must follow the below steps:


  1. All fliers must includes:
  2. Once approved, all advertisements must be stamped with "Removal Date" by the Center for Student Life and Leadership Development in Building 5, Room 354
  3. Approved materials may be posted on open public BULLETIN BOARDS ONLY. The list of public Bulletin Boards can be found below.
    • Classroom bulletin boards are intended for instructional usage but may be utilized on a space available basis, subject to Divisional/Departmental needs and policies. Academic and administrative department boards (usually located in specific department buildings) are maintained by each department. Permission for posting in these areas must be obtained from each area Dean. Any materials posted in unauthorized locations, or without being stamped and dated by the Center for Student Life and Leadership Development, are subject to removal.
    • Materials may not be posted on doors, painted surfaces, or exterior building walls or windows as well as yard signs, stakes or frames that are inserted into the ground. All other surfaces (e.g., non-classroom bulletin boards) are available for the posting to materials on a space-available basis. Sponsors are responsible for the removal of their materials after a reasonable period of time or once the materials becomes obsolete. Any member of the College staff may remove any obsolete materials.
    • Events, programs or services, which are not sponsored by Cañada College, will be displayed in public posting areas only. Classroom bulletin boards are reserved for College sponsored events.
    • The number and size of posters and leaflets that any one organization or person may post is subject to limitation by the Student Life and Leadership Manager and shall be limited only if the materials are so large or numerous as to infringe on the rights of others to use designated areas.
    • Placement of materials on parked vehicles causes severe litter problems and is expressly prohibited.


  1. An ADA Statement. Here's an ADA Statement in English and an ADA Statement in Spanish
    1. Why do we do this? To be in compliance with Sections 504 and 508 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act; also it’s the kindest thing to do. These acts ensure that people, regardless of disability status, have the equal opportunity to participate in our programs and benefit from our services. 
  2. Include the ASCC logo if you received any Student Senate or Vending Commission funds
  3. Be approved by the Cañada College Marketing Department, submitting a Marketing Request Form
  4. Once approved by Marketing, all advertisements must be date stamped by the Center for Student Life and Leadership Development
  5. Approved materials may be posted on open public BULLETIN BOARDS ONLY. The list of public Bulletin Boards can be found below.
    • Classroom bulletin boards are intended for instructional usage but may be utilized on a space available basis, subject to Divisional/Departmental needs and policies. Academic and administrative department boards (usually located in specific department buildings) are maintained by each department. Permission for posting in these areas must be obtained from each area Dean. Any materials posted in unauthorized locations, or without being stamped and dated by the Center for Student Life and Leadership Development, are subject to removal.
    • Materials may not be posted on doors, painted surfaces, or exterior building walls or windows as well as yard signs, stakes or frames that are inserted into the ground. All other surfaces (e.g., non-classroom bulletin boards) are available for the posting to materials on a space-available basis. Sponsors are responsible for the removal of their materials after a reasonable period of time or once the materials becomes obsolete. Any member of the College staff may remove any obsolete materials.
    • Events, programs or services, which are not sponsored by Cañada College, will be displayed in public posting areas only. Classroom bulletin boards are reserved for College sponsored events.
    • The number and size of posters and leaflets that any one organization or person may post is subject to limitation by the Student Life and Leadership Manager and shall be limited only if the materials are so large or numerous as to infringe on the rights of others to use designated areas.
    • Placement of materials on parked vehicles causes severe litter problems and is expressly prohibited.


  1. All advertisements must be stamped with "Removal Date" by the Center for Student Life and Leadership Development in Building 5, Room 354
  2. Materials may be posted on open public BULLETIN BOARDS ONLY. The list of public Bulletin Boards can be found below.
  3. Classroom bulletin boards are intended for instructional usage but may be utilized on a space available basis, subject to Divisional/Departmental needs and policies. Academic and administrative department boards (usually located in specific department buildings) are maintained by each department. Permission for posting in these areas must be obtained from each area Dean. Any materials posted in unauthorized locations, or without being stamped and dated by the Center for Student Life and Leadership Development, are subject to removal.
  4. Materials may not be posted on doors, painted surfaces, or exterior building walls or windows as well as yard signs, stakes or frames that are inserted into the ground. All other surfaces (e.g., non-classroom bulletin boards) are available for the posting to materials on a space-available basis. Sponsors are responsible for the removal of their materials after a reasonable period of time or once the materials becomes obsolete. Any member of the College staff may remove any obsolete materials.
  5. Events, programs or services, which are not sponsored by Cañada College, will be displayed in public posting areas only. Classroom bulletin boards are reserved for College sponsored events.
  6. The number and size of posters and leaflets that any one organization or person may post is subject to limitation by the Student Life and Leadership Manager and shall be limited only if the materials are so large or numerous as to infringe on the rights of others to use designated areas.
  7. Placement of materials on parked vehicles causes severe litter problems and is expressly prohibited.

Public Bulletin Board Locations