Nuventive Improve (TracDat) for Assessment

 Looking for information about program review in Nuventive Improve?
Please visit the Nuventive Improve for Program Review page.


Login to Improve through the SMCCD Nuventive Improve Portal



Email Lindsey Irizarry, Cañada's Instructional Technologist, at [email protected] if you encounter the following issues:
  • You don't have Nuventive Improve login information.
  • Your assessment unit is not in Nuventive Improve.
  • Your course is not listed in Nuventive Improve.
  • You find any incorrect or outdated information in Nuventive Improve.


Video Guides

Logging In & Navigation Overview (3 minutes)

Adding & Editing SLOs and their Assessment Methods (4 minutes)

Adding & Editing PLOs and SAOs and their Assessment Methods (3 minutes)

Mapping SLOs, PLOs & SAOs (3 minutes)

Reporting SLO Results (2 minutes)

Reporting PLO & SAO Results (1 minute)

Uploading Documents, Tables & Graphs (3 minutes)


Print Guides

Logging In & Navigation Overview

Adding & Editing SLOs and their Assessment Methods

Adding & Editing PLOs and SAOs and their Assessment Methods

Mapping SLOs, PLOs & SAOs

Reporting SLO Results

Reporting PLO & SAO Results

Uploading Documents, Tables & Graphs