
Welcome to Cañada College's Curriculum Committee website.  As with all participatory governance meetings, our meetings are open to everyone. We welcome you to attend!

Curriculum Committee is a subcommittee of Academic Senate. According to Article VII, section 6 of the Academic Senate Bylaws:

  • The primary function of the Curriculum Committee shall be to coordinate and monitor Cañada’s curricular offerings so that they shall uphold the California Education Code, be consistent among the divisions and colleges of the District, be understandable to our students and staff, articulate with high schools and four- year institutions, and support the goals and objectives of the San Mateo County Community College District and Cañada College.
  • The Curriculum Committee shall make recommendations to the Academic Senate about general instruction policies and standards, and degree and certification requirements. The Curriculum Committee shall also deliberate over the initiation and modification of programs and courses. To do this, the Curriculum Committee shall seek input from those campus and committee individuals who are affected by curricular decisions, and whose input is needed by the Curriculum Committee to make informed decisions. The Committee shall request the Office of the President of Cañada College to provide such information as is necessary for its deliberations and actions.
  • All standing subcommittees of the Curriculum Committee shall have a written charter and guidelines. In addition, these subcommittees shall present, at minimum, annual reports to the Curriculum Committee.

Committee Meetings

Meeting Days: First and Third Thursdays unless outerwise noted (see Curriculum Meetings tab for exact meeting dates)

Time: 1:00-2:30pm

Location: Bldg 9, Rm 154

Contact: Lisa Palmer, Chair ([email protected])