Frequently Asked Questions



I'm not a working adult. Can I still join this program?

While this program is designed for working adults, students are not required to work full-time to participate in our program.

I've taken classes at a different college before. Will those classes count toward this program?

Bring your unofficial transcript(s) to your first meeting with our counselor. Our counselor can give you an idea of which courses can transfer over, but you will need an official evaluation to determine if Cañada College will accept these courses.  You do not need to go through this process if the college you attended was Skyline College or College of San Mateo, as these colleges, along with Cañada College, are part of the San Mateo Community College District. Find out how to use our Transcript Evaluation Service here.

I want to join this program, but the classes I want to take are not part of your curriculum. Can I still join?


Our program is designed to create a community of adult learners by having students take the same classes as one another. As such, students in this program will only be allowed to take CWA courses unless given permission by our counselor to take other Cañada courses. Joining this program means that you understand a majority, if not all, of your courses, will be CWA courses and you must adhere to our schedule.


You don't offer the major I want. Can I still join?


Talk to our counselor about your options for pursuing the four year degree you want with the associates degrees we offer. As we continue to grow in student numbers, we have been able to offer more degrees. 

I don't think this program is for me, but I'm interested in one of your classes. Can I get the CRN so I can register for this class?

We save CWA-specific CRNs for our own students. However, some of the CWA courses are open to all students and have a CRN specifically for non-CWA students. Contact Jose Zelaya at [email protected] for more information.

What's the time commitment like? I'm very busy with other priorities in my life.

In addition to going to class, it is important that you make enough room in your schedule to complete homework assignments and prepare for tests. We suggest students begin by taking 3-6 units their first semester to get acquainted to fitting school into their schedule.

What about financial aid?

Learn more about financial aid here.
How do I start the application process?

Sign up to attend one of our CWA Information Forums to learn program details and apply. Forum dates for the Summer/Fall terms are:
                                            Saturdays @ 10 am: October 16th, November 13th 
                                            Thursdays @ 5 pm: October 28th, December 2nd, December 9th 



I need to meet with my counselor. How do I do that? 

Meetings with our counselor are by appointment only. Please email [email protected] to set up an appointment.

Help! I'm trying to register for classes but there is a hold on my account. Why?

Our program is designed so that all registration is done by our counselor. A hold is placed on all CWA students so that they cannot register for classes themselves. It is extremely important that you meet with our counselor at least once a semester so that you can be registered for the upcoming semester.