Menlo Park Foundation

The Cañada College Menlo Park Center Program Foundation has been created to help remove roadblocks to students' success.

People take courses for many reasons. Some want to improve their job skills, learn to speak English, learn how to use a computer, train for a new career, or learn something new to improve their quality of life.

Many students do not have the funds needed to attend college even after qualifying for the standard financial aid packages. Some students still need help with textbooks, transportation, and college fees.

Please join us in supporting the students in our community. Your donation will help to ensure student success in whatever field of study that they choose, help them learn relevant skills for today's job market, and prepare for a rewarding career. Some examples of how this fund will be used are: (including, but not limited to) tuition, fees, textbooks, transportation, supplies, scholarships, and general program funding.

Contributions can be made in several ways:

  • Write a check to "SMCCCF" noting the: "Menlo Park Center" and mail it to the address below.
  • Online Donations can be made by going to the SMCCCF website at: Go to the orange "Donate" tab.
  • Calling 650-358-6849, we would need the donor(s) name, address, phone number, credit card number, and the expiration date.  We accept MasterCard and Visa.
  • Payroll deduction  (SMCCCD Employees only)
  • Matching Funds (Some companies offer a matching employee program)

San Mateo County Community Colleges Foundation
3401 CSM Drive
San Mateo, CA  94402

Email:   [email protected]
Phone:  (650) 574-6229
Fax:      (650) 574-6566

Your generous donation will be put to good use helping students in our community.

Thank you!