social sciences hub

Special Events
Social Sciences Hub: Bldg 9-307

The Social Sciences Department offers a variety of events, workshops, and discussions in order to better educate and empower students of all disciplines about all of our collected social studies and careers. Come chat with, meet, and have snacks with professors and special guests at one of our upcoming events!

For any questions, please email:

[email protected]

Topics of Interest (TOIs)

Occasional events featuring Social Sciences topics and guest speakers (students, community members, Social Sciences faculty) of interest. Past TOI's include: 

  • Behavioral Economics: The Secret Weapon to Community College Success
  • What is Bias and How Does it Relate to You?
  • Activism and Change 2020
  • Know Your Rights: Immigration in the Trump Era


Tea with Social Scientists

Opportunities for more informal discussions on timely topics in the Social Sciences. Enjoy tea and snacks; our treat! Hosted by Social Sciences faculty.

  • Social Justice - Equity Milestones
  • Social Justice - What does it mean to you?
  • U.S. History from a Latinx Perspective

“We ‘heart’ Social Sciences”

An annual celebration of the “other” sciences. Learn more about opportunities in the Social Sciences and related programs such as GE, Honors, Transfer and more!

  • meet your professors
  • preview upcoming classes
  • get ready to register for next term


Discipline Days

Learn more about each of the Social Science disciplines.

  • Anthropology
  • Communication Studies
  • Economics
  • Ethnic Studies
  • Geography
  • History
  • Philosophy
  • Political Science
  • Sociology


Past Events