Transfer Day

Past Transfer Day

Transfer Day is offered by Cañada College Transfer Center and provides opportunity for students to learn about 4-year colleges and universities, ask questions, and to explore their educational options.

Date:  October 17th, 2023
Time:  11:00 a.m.  - 1:30 p.m.
Location:  Building 5 - The Grove (cafeteria)
List of Colleges/Universities Attending Transfer Day

Welcome to Transfer Day!

 On this day you have the opportunities to meet with universities from:

You may connect and network with the university representatives during this fair and learn about their programs, services, financial aid and scholarships, and other opportunities that they may offer.  This will help you to evaluate and compare their offering with your needs and make an informed decision when you transfer whether it is this year or in the future.

University of California(UC)

Explore the UC System

 California State University

Explore the CSU System


Independent California Colleges and Universities (Private)

Explore the AICCU

Meet Leonardo Gonzalez

Email: [email protected] 

Meet: Nicolas Lapido

Email: [email protected] 


Meet: Desiree Pham

Email: [email protected] 



Out of State Universities