Program Development, Improvement and Discontinuation

Board Policy 6.13 states that the local Academic Senate will establish processes for (a) program development, (b) program review, and (c) program discontinuance.  While the Senate already has established processes for curriculum-level approval of programs, there are many aspects of the program development process that remain undefined.  With the beginning of Strong Workforce Program funding, the Senate anticipates increased activity around program development and recognizes the need of the college to understand the full impact of such endeavors.  Without adequate institutional support and resources, any program (new or existing) is likely to head down the path of inviability and discontinuance.  The Senate's goal is to create a standard process for new program development that ensures institutional support.  Our second goal is to establish a standard process for Program Improvement and Viability so that all programs are treated consistently and given opportunity and institutional support for improvement.


Date Milestone
Feb. 9, 2017

Background to the project



Feb. 23, 2017

First revise of a New Program Development process modeled after College of the Canyons AP 4021

Draft New Program Development Process


Mar. 1, 2017

Amended New Program Development Process to include a case study to see how the process might work.

New Program Development Process - Draft 3/1/17

Mar. 20, 2017

First draft of a new PIV Process - Draft 3/20/17

April 21, 2017

Feedback from IPC on draft New Program Development Process

Fall 2018/Spring 2019

Solicit feedback from faculty and update draft of Program Improvement and Viability Process

Draft of Program Improvement and Viability Process (Spring 2019)

Draft of New Instructional Program Development Process

Spring 2021

IPC (Instructional Planning Council) discussed PIV draft, provided feedback


Fall 2022

IPC (Instructional Planning Council) discussed PIV draft, provided feedback

Spring 2023 PIV Process Pilot
Spring 2024 Updated PIV Process draft March 2024
Fall 2024

Program Improvement and Viability Process Approved at September 12, 2024 meeting

Specific committee formed in Fall 2024: Funeral Services Program Improvement and Viability Committee

Board Policy and Procedure

6.13 Policy

6.13.1 Procedure


Discontinuance Processes from other CCCs

Coast CCD

College of Canyons - template

Glendale CC

Mesa CC

Rio Honda CC


Southwestern CC