Business Honors
Cañada College supports academically rigorous experiences for students through two options on campus.
Honors Transfer Program (HTP)
The Cañada College Honors Transfer Program (HTP) serves students whose educational goal is to transfer to a 4-year institution and complete a bachelor’s degree. The program is designed for students interested in participating in challenging, academically rigorous experiences through classes and seminars, and is meant to better prepare them for university work. All honors courses are open to the entire student population and are not limited to students who are members of HTP.
The Business Department offers dual-section honors options for 1 - 2 students per class in the daytime sections of in-person core transfer classes: BUS 100 (Intro to Business), BUS 103 (Business Information Systems), and BUS 201 (Business Law).
Phi Theta Kappa (PTK)
Beta Zeta Nu is Cañada College's chapter of Phi Theta Kappa, the international honor society for two-year colleges. It has been honored as one of the premier chapters in the country. To gain membership in Beta Zeta Nu students must have a cumulative GPA of 3.45 or higher and complete a minimum of 12 units at Cañada in courses that are degree applicable.
PTK Photos