Business at Cañada College

Cañada College Business Department

At Cañada College, our Business Department equips students with the skills and knowledge needed to excel in various business fields. We offer a range of Associate’s Degrees and Certificates in Business, Entrepreneurship, Management, Marketing, and Office Technology. Our programs provide a solid foundation in key business disciplines, including accounting, economics, finance, information systems, international business, management, marketing, and small business.

Our programs offer students the opportunity to:

  • Earn a certificate or associate’s degree
  • Transfer to a four-year university
  • Obtain continuing education credits
  • Learn how to start and manage a business
  • Prepare for the GMAT or GRE exams
  • Get ready for MBA program applications


Strategic Course Scheduling

At our college, we prioritize flexible course scheduling to accommodate your needs. Core transfer courses are available year-round, including during the summer session. We offer a range of modalities to fit diverse schedules, including in-person, day, evening, hybrid, and online formats. For students with specific scheduling requirements, we also provide courses on a strategic late-start or accelerated timeline.

As part of the San Mateo Community College District, our program benefits from additional flexibility with access to courses at our sister campuses, College of San Mateo and Skyline College. This broader range of offerings ensures you have more options to tailor your education to your schedule.

Smaller Class Size Facilitates Better Learning

Our small class sizes ensure better results for our students where each student is noticed and has the opportunity to establish one-on-one relationships with faculty and the campus community.


“At Cañada College we treat our students like family. As faculty, we take the time to get to know and engage with our students. Many of our faculty have been students at a community college at one point in time and understand the challenges unique to community college students.”

— Professor Candice Nance, Department Chair


Faculty Community

Business faculty are experienced in many industries, including government and not-for-profit organizations. Cañada College is a member of the Redwood City Chamber of Commerce. You can learn more about our current faculty members, and learn how you can apply to teach business courses at Cañada College. 


Counseling Appointments: 

Business majors are encouraged to meet with Daryan Chan or Gloria Darafshi for counseling appointments. Visit the Counseling Center website to learn how to book a counseling appointment.

Program Learning Outcomes

Upon Completion of Degree requirements, students will be able to:

  • Design and manage business documents using current technology to engage in creative problem solving.
  • Communicate an understanding of business concepts professionally through written, oral and visual presentations using current technology.
  • Recognize ethical behavior in their chosen profession and behave in a socially responsible manner.
  • Analyze business issues, interpret financial data and identify economic trends.